Areas of Interest


To start with I initially drew out a mind map of some areas that I’m interested in. Once I had completed this map I then used it to narrow my thought process and generate ideas that could be implemented in the areas above.

Possible Ideas


Below are the ideas that I generated from the first stage.

  1. Airbnb for campers
  2. Energy tracker
  3. Travel subscription
  4. All personal info data base
  5. Lego community collector app
  6. Research extension that uses ai
  7. Dyslexia development app
  8. Pandemic emergency app
  9. Photography education app
  10. Photo challenge game
  11. Virtual class room assistant VR?

Word Association

To expand on my ideation i choose one word that was linked to each idea and mind map other words associated with it. This exercise allowed me to gain a different perspective of some features that could be incorporated in the app.



