This year thanks to one of our past pupils Hal, we had the opportunity to visit the Signifyd office and pitch our ideas to three industry professionals. This was a great experience to challenge the class and gain valuable insight into the industry. When being briefed about the trip, we were told to bring pitch our idea and come up with one area/aspect that we wanted feedback on.

The area that I wanted to gain feedback on specifically was if it was worth having an in-house social media platform for the Boondocks community or if it was better to use the platforms already at our disposal such as Facebook, Twitter etc. A synopsis of the feedback was that they loved the brand and thought the idea was good. They then said that it would make more sense to go down another route rather than add a social platform to the app. The advice given was to come at it from a Boondocks blog/newsfeed that the community can read and stay up to date on community affairs. Below


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This has streamlined the application and brought focus to the app's main function, which is looking for the ideal camspite that suits the users needs and booking it as their accommodation. Along side this it has a newsfeed/blog that runs coherently with Boondocks social media accounts.