Michael Daly

Task 1

As a new user to boondocks Sign in to the Boondocks app without using any personal information, search for campsites in cork and look at the results then return to the home page.

Task completed

Could not complete Nearly Completed Completed

Benchmark time - 3sec

Time user took to complete the task -5sec

Was the user satisfied with carrying out the task? - yes

Task 2

You are new to camping and wish to look for an easy way to book your first stay at a local campsite but don't know where to book and are unfamiliar with the company Boondocks. Sign in to Boondocks using an existing account, Eg gmail, apple or Facebook. Once signed in, navigate your way through the app to read the terms of service.

Could not complete Nearly Completed Completed

Bench mark time - 2sec

Time user took to complete the task - 5sec

Was the user satisfied with carrying out the task? - yes

Task 3

You are an experienced camper that already uses the boondocks app. From the home page search for campsites located in cork, click on the first result, reserve it and then edit the dates so that you stay from the 9th until the 23rd and confirm the booking.

Could not complete Nearly Completed Completed

Benchmark time - 8sec

Time user took to complete the task - 10sec

Was the use satisfied with carrying out the task? - yes